Representing the UK disposable nappy, adult continence care and period product industries
The Absorbent Hygiene Product Manufacturers Association (AHPMA) is the trade association representing the UK disposable nappy, absorbent continence care and period products industries. Members include brand owners, manufacturers and distributors who supply the UK market.
AHPMA is recognised as the voice of the UK absorbent hygiene products (AHP) industry by government departments and regulatory bodies, UK and international stakeholders and the media alike. The Association represents the non-competitive interests of the AHP industry at all levels and is the main point of contact for any generic matter or enquiry. The Association is an information resource for all stakeholders.
AHPMA and its members are represented on numerous boards and committees covering topics such as NHS procurement and product standards. The Association monitors and engages on any current or forthcoming external influences which could affect the AHP industry. AHPMA also plays a key role in highlighting issues around bladder, bowel and continence care services. The voluntary UK Code of Practice for Tampon Manufacturers and Distributors is also managed and updated by AHPMA.
the AHPMA Voluntary Code of Practice
Tracy Stewart,
Director General, AHPMA